Happy Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is on Monday, and I’ve got two dinners to go to (one tonight, one tomorrow).

I’m making a couple of dishes for tomorrow’s meal, and will post photos soon. This is just like Christmas. I have no idea how I’m going to stick to my diet at all! How do you only eat 1500 calories in a day when you have to go to giant family meals? 😦

3 thoughts on “Happy Chinese New Year

  1. serendipity hopeful says:

    BB note: links removed, no soliciting for your blog please, especially when it is not food related. Thank you.

    While we are celebrating, being grateful for all they good things we have and basking in the warmth of our loved ones, let us do one more thing.

    Please pray for a lady, her 3 children, her husband and their parents. Remember to also pass the requests around to all your friends and through your blog.

    Thank you and ‘Gong Xi Fatt Cai’!.

    The Ox year is upon us may this rushing bull be in a great hurry to rush all the good health, happiness, harmony, joy and warmth into your household.

  2. gammypie says:

    Don’t even get me started on diets. I’ve been sick for over a week and my jeans are tighter than ever! No matter how sick I can always find a way to eat. Grrr…

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